We would like to share with you some of the many episodes that have emerged
from our practice of the "New Global Childcare", involving children, parents, staff, the community, and society.

世界中の研究者や留学生が集まる東京外国語大学キャンパス内にPAL 国際保育園@東京外大を開設。園児たちは学生たちと一緒に部活動やサークル活動にも積極的に参加して交流を深め、年齢や国籍を越えたコミュティが展開しています。
(多様性)があたりまえの日常に! 園児たちがチアリーディング部の演技を間近で見て一緒に踊ったり、アコースティックギターサークルの演奏会に参加したりしながらひとつのチームに。「大学生が園児のお世話をする」のではなく、一緒に考え、行動し、楽しむという、従来の保育施設には見られなかった関係性がひろがっています。
New Childcare Facility on TUFS Campus
PAL International School @ Tokyo University of Foreign Studies was established on the campus of TUFS, where researchers and international students from around the world gather. The preschool children actively participate in club activities with TUFS students to deepen exchanges and develop a community that transcends age and nationality.
Striving for diversity to be a part of daily life for both university students and preschoolers!
Being up close and personal with the university clubs such as cheerleading and acoustic guitar, the preschoolers have fun interacting with the university students, creating a relationship that is not seen in conventional childcare facilities.

かたちに 縦割りのクラスでは味わえない交流は、園児たちにとっても、卒園生や外からやってくる子どもたちにとっても、刺激的なものに。国籍や年齢……お互いの違いを遊びと対話の中で埋め、自発的なコミュニティを形成していく。そんな全く新しい保育環境が広がりつつあります。
Accepting Children of All Nationalities and Ages
PAL International School @ Tokyo University of Foreign Studies offers programs that are open to enrolled children, their parents, local elementary school students, and children of university staff attending academic conferences. We are creating a place with a level of diversity that is difficult to achieve in a licensed nursery school.
Creating a childcare environment the likes of which haven’t been seen before!
The interaction experienced in a class of varying age is stimulating for both the preschoolers and visiting children, such as returning graduates. Differences in age and nationality are bridged through play and dialogue to form a spontaneous community. Such a completely new childcare environment is now growing!

日常に! 友だちを通じたリアルタイムな映像に触れることで、海外の生活様式や時差の存在を知識ではなく感覚として理解する貴重な体験ができました。こうした取り組みはグループの全施設で共有し、機会を見つけて実践しています。
Connecting Online with an Overseas Friend
PAL International School @ Tokyo University of Foreign Studies provides every chance for students to experience life and culture overseas while in Japan. In one such instance, the children were connected to a classmate staying at her grandparents' home in the U.S. The children were given a tour of a home with a large kitchen and yard.
Striving for worldwide connections to be a part of daily life.
By seeing actual images in real-time through their friend’s online tour, the children gained a valuable, intuitive experience to help them understand other lifestyles and time differences. These efforts are shared at all of the group's facilities and put into practice at every opportunity.

閑静な西麻布の一角にある邸宅を保育施設として使用する PAL国際保育園@広尾駅前。屋上には園児も保護者も利用できるルーフトップバルコニーを設けて“PAL Lounge”として解放しています。
An Open Area for Preschoolers and Parents to Relax In
PAL International School @ Hiroo Ekimae transformed a house In a quiet neighborhood in Nishiazabu into a daycare facility. The rooftop balcony is open to both children and their parents as the PAL Lounge.
A place of belonging that is neither work nor home!
This rooftop serves as a fun place for preschoolers to grow flowers and vegetables, and a space for parents to use away from home and work. It also serves as a special community hub, increasing opportunities for families with similar childcare needs and sensitivities to connect.