Intercultural Society (多文化)保育(月次)
Intercultural Society Nursery Program (Monthly)
8時間保育、9.5時間保育、11時間保育をお選び頂けます。 1か月単位からどなたでもご利用いただけます。
A childcare program carried out by caregivers from various counties in an intercultural environment.
For ages 0 – 1
Available for 8 hours, 9.5 hours, or 11 hours
Can enroll on a monthly basis
Can enroll without “Certification of Necessity of Childcare”
一般利用者 | Standard enrollment
年契約 | 月契約 | |
初回支払 | 入園金初回 150,000円 登録料初回 10,000円 |
入園金相当額 月13,000円 登録料初回 10,000円 |
年払い | 諸経費 年45,000円 | |
月払い | 施設費 月10,000円 実費徴収 月3,280円 |
施設費 月10,000円 実費徴収 月3,280円 諸経費 月3,750円 |
保育時間 Hours |
0歳児 0 year-old |
1歳児 1 year-old |
保育料 Tuition fees |
【FA-8】 8hours (8:30-16:30) |
¥99,000 | ¥93,000 |
【FA-9.5】 9.5hours (8:30-18:00) |
¥117,000 | ¥111,000 | |
【FA-11】 11hours (7:00-18:00) |
¥136,000 | ¥128,000 |
※Please inquire about the price list for university officials.
Intercultural Society (多文化)保育+教育(月次)
Intercultural Society Educational Program (Monthly)
8時間保育、9.5時間保育、11時間保育をお選び頂けます。 1か月単位からどなたでもご利用いただけます。
An educational childcare program carried out by teachers from various countries in an intercultural environment.
For ages 2 – 5
Available for 8 hours, 9.5 hours, or 11 hours
Can enroll on a monthly basis
Can enroll without “Certification of Necessity of Childcare”
Education: 2-year-old childcare fee + 18,000 yen,3-year-old childcare fee + 24,000 yen
一般利用者 | Standard enrollment
年契約 | 月契約 | |
初回支払 | 入園金初回 150,000円 登録料初回 10,000円 |
入園金相当額 月13,000円 登録料初回 10,000円 |
年払い | 諸経費 年45,000円 | |
月払い | 施設費 月10,000円 実費徴収 月3,280円 |
施設費 月10,000円 実費徴収 月3,280円 諸経費 月3,750円 |
保育時間 Hours |
2歳児 2 year-old |
3~5歳児 3-5 years old |
保育料 Tuition fees |
【FB-8】 8hours (8:30-16:30) |
¥100,000 | ¥94,000 |
【FB-9.5】 9.5hours (8:30-18:00) |
¥115,000 | ¥107,000 | |
【FB-11】 11hours (7:00-18:00) |
¥130,000 | ¥121,000 |
※Please inquire about the price list for university officials.
Intercultural Afternoon Program
プログラム時間 他園終了後、18:00までご利用いただけます。
※18:01-19:00のご利用は “共通【延長保育】”料金を頂きます。
※登録料初回 10,000円頂戴いたします
A program for children to engage in intercultural activities after attending their kindergarten.
For 2-5 year-olds.
Available from kindergarten dismissal time until 6:00pm
Available from once a week.
*A standardized childcare extension fee will be applied for use of services from 6:01pm-7:00pm.
*Educational material fees will be applied separately.
*A Registration fee (one-time) of \10,000 will be applied
一般 All students |
週1回 1 time a week |
18,000円/月 | ¥18,000/month +施設費・諸経費1,750円/月 +Building(maintenance) ・Education Enhancement ¥1,750/month |
週2回 2 time a week |
33,600円/月| ¥33,600/month +施設費・諸経費3,500円/月 +Building(maintenance) ・Education Enhancement ¥3,500/month |
週3回 3 time a week |
46,800円/月| ¥46,800/month +施設費・諸経費5,250円/月 +Building(maintenance) ・Education Enhancement ¥5,250/month |
週4回 4 time a week |
57,600円/月| ¥57,600/month +施設費・諸経費7,000円/月 +Building(maintenance) ・Education Enhancement ¥7,000/month |
週5回 5 time a week |
66,000円/月 | ¥66,000/month +施設費・諸経費8,750円/月 +Building(maintenance) ・Education Enhancement ¥8,750/month |
※Please inquire about the price list for university officials.
International Afterschool Program
プログラム時間 15:00-18:00
※18:01-19:00のご利用は “共通【延長保育】”料金を頂きます。
※登録料初回 10,000円頂戴いたします
An international school program for elementary schoolers, taught by teachers from various countries.
For elementary schoolers, grades 1 to 6.
Hours: 3:00pm-6:00pm
Program available from once a week.
*A standardized childcare extension fee will be applied for use of services from 6:01pm-7:00pm.
*Educational material fees will be applied separately.
*A Registration fee (one-time) of \10,000 will be applied
一般 All students |
週1回 1 time a week |
16,800円/月 | ¥16,800/month +施設費・諸経費1,750円/月 +Building(maintenance) ・Education Enhancement ¥1,750/month |
週2回 2 time a week |
31,200円/月| ¥31,200/month +施設費・諸経費3,500円/月 +Building(maintenance) ・Education Enhancement ¥3,500/month |
週3回 3 time a week |
43,200円/月| ¥43,200/month +施設費・諸経費5,250円/月 +Building(maintenance) ・Education Enhancement ¥5,250/month |
週4回 4 time a week |
52,800円/月| ¥52,800/month +施設費・諸経費7,000円/月 +Building(maintenance) ・Education Enhancement ¥7,000/month |
週5回 5 time a week |
60,000円/月 | ¥60,000/month +施設費・諸経費8,750円/月 +Building(maintenance) ・Education Enhancement ¥8,750/month |
※Please inquire about the price list for university officials.
一時預かり スポット利用
Temporary Childcare
For use during open hours(7:00am-7:00pm)
For 0 year-olds through elementary school age.
Reserve ahead of time, including the weekends.
>>Click here for details.
一般 All children |
利用料金(1時間) User fee (1 hour) |
0~1歳児 2,500円 2歳児 2,300円 3歳児以上 2,000円 0~1 year-olds ¥2,500 2year-olds ¥2,300 Over 3 year-olds ¥2,000 |
昼食 550円/食、おやつ:各 200円/食(15時、18時)
Fee: \550/lunch; \200/snack (3:00pm、6:00pm)