お名前 | Your name必須
メールアドレス | E-mail必須
電話番号 | Tel
対象施設 | Campus必須
選択してください PAL International School@TUFS(PAL国際保育園@東京外大) PAL International School@Hiroo(PAL国際保育園@広尾駅前) その他 | Others
お問合せ項目 | Inquiry items必須
選択してください 入園・ご利用について | About admission and use 職員採用について | About recruitment of staff 園見学・面談予約 | School tour and interview reservation その他 | Others
お問合せ内容 | Inquiry content必須
If you would like to visit and interview, please fill in the details by the 3rd preferred date.
☆教員・職員の場合→所属部局(●●研究院,●●センター,△△課,△△室 など)
If you are TUFS faculty and students, please enter the following items in the Inquiry content.
☆If you are a faculty member
→ a department (●● research institute, ●● center, △△ section, △△ room, etc.)
☆If you are a student
→ Affiliation/student number
If you have any inquiries about admission or use, please fill in this as well.
お子様のお名前 | Child Name
生年月日 | Date of Birth
個人情報保護方針 | Privacy policy必須
Please agree to the handling of our privacy policy.