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スタッフブログ | Staff Blog

PAL@TUFS 何より友達を大切にする! Cherishing friends more than anything else!

子供達にとって、年齢、背景、言語などの違いは関係ありません。4日ぶりに友達と会い、外でも室内でも一緒にたくさん遊びました。For children, gaps such as age, background, language do not exist. It has been four days since everyone has gotten together, so we played with eachother a lot outdoors and indoors.


We went for a walk to buy pumpkins for Halloween Along the way we played and enjoyed the company of friends. At the flowershop we bought two large orange pumpkins.

花屋でパンプキンを買って、パンプキン・コーナーを作りました。ハロウィンが近づいたら掘ります。どんな「ジャック・オ・ランタン 」を作るかな。

We went to a flower shop and bought pumpkins. Back at the school we made a pumkin corner. Closer to Halloween, we will carve them. What kind of “jack-o-lanterns will we make?