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【PAL@TUFS 入園説明会を開催しました】




【11/5土 入園説明会 スケジュール】

9:30-10:30 日本語対面

11:00-12:00  英語対面

13:00-14:00 日本語オンライン

15:00-16:00 英語オンライン

お申込みは こちら


Today we had an admission information session for PAL International School @ Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. Thank you very much for your participation in the in-person and online information sessions.

PAL International Preschool @ Tokyo University of Foreign Studies offers a wide variety of courses for children from 0 years old to 6th grade elementary school, including full-day, afternoon only (once a week to 5 times a week), and temporary care.

The next admission information session will be held on Saturday, November 15. You are welcome to visit the school and attend the in-person orientation with your child.

The following is the schedule for the admission information session on 11/5 (Sat).

9:30-10:30 Japanese in-person

11:00-12:00 English in-person

13:00-14:00 Japanese Online

15:00-16:00 English Online

Click here to register

We look forward to meeting you!