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スタッフブログ | Staff Blog

PAL @Hiroo GT Sound Moon-viewing (Otsukimi) and Autumn

Today, Mr. Topa came and introduced to us “A Rolling Acorn” (どんぐりころころ Donguri Koro Koro) song which is related to Autumn. He showed us acorns and shared with us actions as we sing the song all together. Even after we came back from our outdoor play, the children continued singing the song.

We also read the book, “Papa, please get the moon for me” by Eric Carle. Mr. Topa played a melody as he read each page. We were so fascinated by the music we hear. This is in relation to the traditional moon-viewing in autumn season.
As the story ended, the children copied the action from the book and pretended to go to sleep. ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz Good night.
Today, we continued searching for colorful flowers since the children are so interested in colors. We found purple flowers this time!