・対象:0~12 歳
・参加費:500円 (お子さま一人につき/材料費・おやつ代)
※参加費は当日Enpay(キャッシュレス)でのお支払いになります。 QRコード付き請求書をお渡ししますので、そちらを読み取り、クレジットカードでの支払いになります。
申込は こちら

【Childcare Support】PAL@TUFS Newly opened this Septemeber.Our theme for October is HALLOWEEN!
After taking a walk on TUFS campus, we will visit the 110 Children’s Watch houses around Tama Station.If you can say “Trick or Treat” well, you will get sweets!
Come in costume!Even just a hat is fine!
☆For 0 year-olds through elementary school students
An International School Experience!
☆English & Japanese available!!Let’s have fun with us!!
☆You can apply for temporary childcare service.
Date:Saturday, October 29, 2022
Venue:PAL International School@TUFS
Fee:¥500/per child
※Please pay the fee with Enpay (cashless payment service) on the day.
We will give you a invoice with a QR code, therefore you can read it and pay with a credit card.
Application here