PAL is regularly visited by guest teachers (GT), who use a variety of approaches to show the children what they “Want to do!”.
They also come to our Winter School! By experiencing the theme of Winter School, “Snow,” together with their professional skills, children will be able to expand their interest in what they want to do.
【Sound Experience (Mr. Topa)】
Children will be able to use their whole body to perform and create a variety of sounds. Through creative and collaborative activities, children can concentrate and develop their ideas. And above all, they will have great fun!
Dec 16,2022 15:30~16:30
Jan 11,2023 15:30~16:30
【Art Experience (Mr. Asai)】
The aim of my workshop for preschool children is not to allow the to complete their work of art, nor do I believe it makes sense to teach techniques or skills, but to allow them to realize that there is no limit, no such thing as a set rule for their expression or, as I see I for their own life living. Have fun and be happy!
Dec 14,2022 15:30~16:30
Jan 10,2023 15:30~16:30
【Food Education (Ms. Saito)】
Through a variety of food education activities, our nutritionist teaches children the importance of eating. The children will learn food through their five senses.
Dec 22,2022 10:00~11:00
Jan 6,2023 10:00~11:00
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様々なアプロ ーチで見せてくれています。Winter Schoolにももちろん来園!Winter Schoolのテーマである「雪」を、様々な分野で活躍しているGTと共に探究することで、
【おとのじかん Sound Experience (Mr. Topa)】
2022年12月16日 15:30~16:30
2023年1月11日 15:30~16:30
【アートのじかん Art Experience (Mr. Asai)】
2022年12月14日 15:30~16:30
2023年1月10日 15:30~16:30
【食のじかん Food Education (Ms. Saito)】
2022年12月22日 10:00~11:00
2023年1月6日 10:00~11:00
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